Grading: The (Mis)use of Mathematics in Measuring Student Learning and its Disproportionate Impact on Equity and Inclusion

Robert Bosley and Sharona Krinsky (Cal State Los Angeles)

21-Jul-2023, 21:00-23:00 (16 months ago)

Abstract: What do most classrooms have in common? Almost all classes, both in the K-12 educational system as well as the higher ed world, use some form of a points-and-percentages based grading system to “measure” student learning and give a final “grade” in the form of either a letter grade or a pass/fail mark. In this presentation, we will explore the destructive nature of this traditional grading method including:

-- The misuse of the mathematics of points, percentages, and averages

-- The historical development of this system, built in part to reflect traditional social standing

-- The ways in which traditional grading actively works against innovative and inclusive pedagogical change

-- The inequitable nature of the artificial scarcity built-in to traditional grading.

-- The eugenics behind utilizing a “normal curve” for grading

Participants in this presentation will be invited to take a critical lens to their current grading practices, to understand some of the unspoken assumptions that are embedded in it, and to consider some alternative options. From grading systems that take a collaborative approach to working with students to systems that allow for multiple approaches to be utilized by students to demonstrate learning, revisiting our grading practices has been shown to be a multiplicative factor in enhancing the effectiveness of a wide variety of inclusive pedagogies, including active learning, problem-based curricula, and flipped classrooms. Additionally, these alternative grading structures allow for more flexibility to equitably accommodate a wide variety of student situations while minimizing additional workload on the instructor. With examples drawn from Engineering and Mathematics classrooms in a Hispanic-Serving Institution, we will share first-hand experiences of the improvement in student learning that comes from discarding traditional grading in favor of alternative grading systems that center student learning. We will consider how identity permeates the design of grading systems and the different impacts that grading choices have on both faculty and students based on their identities. We will share our experiences with course redesign at an HSI, including the intersection of the redesign process with both instructor and student identity and needs. Through the centering of student learning, faculty can regain the opportunity for true partnerships with students, engaging more in content based discussions and learning with students as opposed to “grade-grubbing”, antagonistic conversations about points.

commutative algebraalgebraic geometrygeneral mathematicsnumber theoryrings and algebras

Audience: undergraduates

( slides )

PRiME: Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience

Series comments: PRiME is hosting a series of talks which will take place on Fridays in July. All are welcome to join us either in person at Pomona College or virtually over Zoom. There will be two types of series.


We will have a series of 2-hour workshops geared for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. The Morning Sessions will take place from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific, while the Afternoon Sessions will take place from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pacific. The Student Professional Development Series (geared for undergraduates) will meet at Pomona College in Estella 1051 (Argue Auditorium); while the Faculty Professional Development Series (geared for graduate students and junior faculty) will meet in Estella 1021 (Noether Auditorium).


We will have outside speakers to visit with us on Fridays from 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Pacific. We will meet in person at Pomona College in Estella 1051 (Argue Auditorium).

Organizers: Edray Herber Goins*, Alex Barrios, Brian Bishop
*contact for this listing

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